Who We Are

Welcome! We are a community that formed in 2015 to solve the Steam Winter Sale ARG. Since then, our community has grown and solidified, and has continued to solve ARGs, including the Sombra ARG, Frog Fractions 2 ARG, and Waking Titan ARG.

What's An ARG?

ARG stands for Alternate Reality Game. Generally, an ARG uses real-world clues, such as real websites, phone numbers that players can call, or items hidden in the physical world to bring ARG players a uniquely immersive experience. ARGs are generally large-scale events that aren't necessarily replayable. For more information, check our Wiki FAQ!

We Make ARGs!

As puzzle veterans, the Game Detectives staff host occasional puzzle events for the Game Detectives community, which often include prizes! Additionally, the GD staff have created ARG/puzzle events for other organizations - contact us if this interests you.

Learning About ARGs

We host a comprehensive wiki that is maintained by a volunteer team of dedicated wiki editors. The wiki contains details on all our investigations, past or present; you can easily get caught up on an ARG's progress here!

Additionally, we host a series of free, interactive tutorials at the Game Detectives Academy, which can turn a cipher novice into an expert decoder. Most ARGs are designed to be solved by an entire community rather than an individual - for the best ARG-solving experience, you'll want to get involved with the Game Detectives community!